Dave Kuhlmann Taylor


Dave began his improv and sketch comedy journey in 1999, when he moved from the DC area to Chicago to take classes at Second City. There, he penned “Starbuck Trek”, ek,” a Star Trek parody set in a coffee shop—inspired by his barista position at Starbucks and featuring the characters Scones McSoy, Pecan, Biscotti, Mr. Stock, Cremora, Mr. Solo, and James T. Perk. Trust us, it was brilliant and cutting-edge comedy. A couple years later, he started long-form improv classes at iO, and eventually joined the main stage ensemble, Rattlesnake High School. In Los Angeles, he performed weekly for seven years at iO Hollywood with USS Rock N Roll, who performed at festivals in San Francisco, Boston, and Los s Angeles. He also toured the festival circuit with the sketch comedy group, 25th Century Heroes, who somehow managed to sell an ad campaign dubbed the “Hot-N-Ready Talker” to Little Caesars Pizza about a carpool commuter who wouldn’t stop talking about Crazy Bread. Dave is happy to be back in the Chicago area and is thrilled to be performing with the perfect gentlemen of Rad Uncle.



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Danny Mecler


Danny Bowery