Musical Improv
Music and improv have gone hand in hand for a long time. Mention the word ‘improv’ and some people immediately think of theater, while others instantly think of jazz. So, how do we get these two art forms to merge into one? That is the exact question this class aims to answer.
Using the combined creativity of music and improv, we’ll explore topics like character development through song, finding a big ‘moment’ in a scene, taking risks, bringing out the inner life of a character, and many more.
Always wanted to try a musical improv class, but worried you can’t carry a tune? No problem. You’ll become a better singer, but more importantly, you’ll discover ways to use music to make your scenes great, regardless of your ability to win a karaoke contest.
This is a course for students of all experience and skill levels, so no auditions are required, and there is no musical or singing experience prerequisite. However, students should be willing to take risks, try new and ridiculous things, and occasionally be put on the spot in front of others.
PLEASE NOTE: this class is for “adults” ages 18 and over.
Classes taught by Sally Hepler and Josh Hepler.