Karen Craven


Little did Karen Craven know when she awoke the morning of November 1, 2017, that a nearly forgotten goal of practicing improv would come to fruition. She pasted “Improv” into a dream box more than a decade earlier, in part because she thought she was funnier than her sister who practiced it. The second daughter of five children born to a former nun and Chicago firefighter, Karen’s initial path as a communicator began as the family storyteller. As a news reporter she covered murderers and mayors. When she went into government and politics the actors changed to felonious statesmen. Her work in corporate and now in not for profits has her massaging messaging for the masses through the right medium. Her favorite part of Improv is connecting with her fellow players, seconded by making random thoughts into absurd comical sense. Mom to one teenage daughter and two dogs, she’s humbled to be in the company of the wittiest women she knows. She lives by the words of Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”



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Karin Rettger


Josh Hepler