Nate Wagner


Nate grew up in Michigan but after a series of successful cosmetic surgeries you would never guess.  In elementary school, Nate started piano lessons and participated in a professional choir as a soprano chorister/soloist. It was then that Nate discovered he had a knack for recognizing pitches but always struggled with the 4-seam fastball.

At one point, Nate discovered he could no longer sing soprano and years later discovered musical improv in Chicago at Second City and IO Improv.  Shortly after, he found Westside, a theater right in his backyard, with the great community of players, formed under the gentle bosom of Jeff Ash.

Nate is thankful to Dave Asher and Stephanie McCullough for their impactful instruction in musical direction for comedy theater.  He also thankful to all the wisdom imparted by his fellow musical directors at Westside; Nate Erickson, Sally Hepler and Sam Scheidler.

Nate is a Musical Director who coaches/plays with Futon Music.  He can also be found at tickling the ivories for other groups at improv shows and conducting the Westside's Musical Jamboree.



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Christi Koehl


Janet Roe Everette