Beth Brousil

Considering that being loud and talking in weird voices are two of Beth’s favorite things, it’s surprising that it took her until March 2018 to find Westside and start studying improv. When Beth isn’t spending too much time at the theater, she’s probably working as graphic designer, listening to podcasts (about murder), watching too much Investigation Discovery (about murder), or watching animal gifs (not about murder). Beth knows Grease 2 is the superior Grease and she will dance fight you in a bowling alley to prove it.
Kim LeClair

Except for playing Eeyore as a little kid in a community production of Winnie the Pooh, Kim hadn’t really set foot on a stage until she happily stumbled on Westside in 2018. She had no idea what she had been missing. Hopelessly hooked, Kim plans to keep doing whatever she can at Westside for as long as she can. George Bernard Shaw said it best “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.”
Who’s Playing?
Who’s Playing?
Yolanda G. Waddell

Yolanda loves improvising at Westside. She feels a great sense of community here, which has helped her grow as an improviser. Yolanda discovered improv comedy in late 2010 at the tail end of a postpartum depression. The laughter and creativity she found in improv helped end that dark time. She is also a recovering perfectionist, for which improv continues to provide the best treatment!
Yolanda has studied improvisation at Westside Players Workshop, The Annoyance, Jimmy Carrane’s Art of Slow Comedy, iO, ComedySportz and The Second City. She has performed at various venues in Chicago with Kelly Machiavelli, a former house team for One Group Mind Improvisers Guild. She is a former actor with The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Show in Schaumburg.
She is so grateful to her biggest cheerleader, her husband, Michael. His loving support (and childcare!) has made studying and performing improv possible!
Who’s Playing?
Circus Police
The Unwritten Works of William Shakespeare
and our AWESOME Level 2 Students!
Who’s Playing?
Dirty Bars
The Unwritten Works of William Shakespeare
and our AWESOME Level 4 Students!
Who’s Playing?
Tom Arnott

Tom is a large mammal who started taking classes and performing at Westside in 2016. This biped is a family man who enjoys movies, old Threes Company episodes and cased meats. He has taken exactly one course at Second City and appeared on the Bozo show as a child. He is sorry if his haircut offends anyone.
Laura Kivisto
Laura Kivisto started her training in improv and sketch with classes at Westside Improv in 2016. She is best known for her 90’s hip-hop references and claiming she is dead inside.
Danny Mecler

From his introduction to improv at their first class, to his participation in Players Workshop and Sketch class writing, his entire comedy experience has revolved around Westside Improv. During his non-comedic time, Danny is a graphic designer, musician, finger-skateboarder, and most importantly, a wrestling fan.
Danny Bowery
Danny Bowery, best known as the back-to-back-to-back St. Francis Borgia Grammar School Spelling Bee champion (‘98, ‘99, ‘00), has been a part of the Westside community for almost 4 years. When he’s not tearing it up with house team, Boink!, he can be found watching Bar Rescue or keeping his local community Facebook group on its toes #fortyfive. Danny lives in Elmhurst with his wife and Chiweenie.