Kevin Carpenter

Kevin was introduced to improv during his high school years in theatre class and continued the improv journey during his time at the College of DuPage. However, it wasn't until later in life that he truly embraced improv again, thanks to a recommendation from his therapist. Apparently, the alternative was having a hole drilled in his skull to relieve some internal pressure, so improv seemed like the more appealing option!

Kevin's dedication to honing his skills led him to study improv, acting, stand up, and storytelling at Second City in Chicago. While he gained valuable knowledge and experience there, it was his time at Westside Improv and his involvement in the Players Workshop program that truly ignited his interest in performing improv on stage.

Since then, Kevin has actively pursued growth and exploration in the world of improv. He continues to attend workshops, classes, and intensives at Westside and other improv centers, allowing him to flourish as a performer. Kevin believes that his dedication to his craft serves as a powerful testament to the transformative impact of improv.




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Hanna Fowler


Noah Cotten