Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Kayla Pernai

First love dogs, natural love music, unexpected love IMPROV! Kayla works as a marketing professional by day, but outside of work, she's passionate about theatrics and music. She used to do choir and was even part of a country cover band. She once wished she had red hair like the original Annie and might have cried herself to sleep about it as a kid (maybe even more than once!). Joking aside, Westside put a pulse back into her life and reignited her creative side, which she'll forever be grateful for! Since November 2022, she's been taking improv classes at Westside, discovering new ways to express herself artistically, and having a blast with fantastic people in this community. Kayla is excited to be performing with the team Blank Slate!



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Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Hillary Prager

Hillary fell in love with the stage ever since landing the coveted role of Marshmallow in her first grade Christmas school play. She found the spotlight and never looked back!  Hillary is a graduate of the training program at iO (improvOlympic) and studied improv at the Second City and the Playground Theater in Chicago. She took a little break (about 20 years) from improv and became a middle school teacher. But because she missed the stage so much, she made her way back and was lucky to find Westside where she couldn't be happier.  

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Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Hanna Fowler

Hannah Fowler began studying improv and sketch comedy at Second City and IO in Chicago in 2015. See was a founding member of The FeLions all-female sketch comedy group and has appeared in multiple web series, including Stuck In Realty, an official selection of the 2023 HollyShorts Monthly Screening Series. Catch Hannah performing with Blank Slate at Westside!



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Bicycle Fish Parade, Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade, Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Natalie Brown

Natalie was a part of her college improv team, Heywire!, and got her degree in theatre at Augustana College. Knowing she wanted to continue improv post-grad, she started classes at Westside in Spring of 2022 and has been having a blast ever since! When not doing improv, she’s doing taxes, crocheting, or petting her hairless cat.

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Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Christine Guare


I have no idea what I am doing. I signed up for a Westside Improv class in April of 2018. I found myself taking three more classes at Westside and becoming a professional student of improv. I'm thankful Jeff Ash created a new team at Westside in 2020. I can proudly say, I'm on Shade Tree, these people are the nicest f*%$#er's ever. I am a stay at home mom of three boys and swear A LOT. Thank you Westside community for getting me out of my house and keeping me sane. Again, I have no idea what I am doing.


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Blank Slate, Free Range Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate, Free Range Kimberly LeClair

Sally Hepler

Sally has loved performing ever since, as a young child, she would recite the entirety of the Lion King from her swing set to no one. While she found theater (mostly musical) in high school and college, Westside is her improv home. She started on the piano and played shows for years before finally getting up the courage to do the “onstage thing”. She would like to take this opportunity to thank and blame her husband Josh for getting her into improv.



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