Futon Music, Bicycle Fish Parade, Free Range Kimberly LeClair Futon Music, Bicycle Fish Parade, Free Range Kimberly LeClair

Brian Howell

Brian’s wife, Marissa, knew what she was doing when she got him a Christmas gift of Improv Comedy Classes. What started as a simple Level 1 class with Jeff Ash has turned into a full-blown obsession. (Did she plan this? Is it part of grand scheme to get the TV remote to herself?) Brian’s paid gig is as a college professor of cultural anthropology, but now his true vocation is making up characters with faux French accents and singing his feelings. He moonlights as a musical director for Westside occasionally, and loves supporting the Westside community in whatever ways he can. Vive la Westside!



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Blank Slate, Free Range Kimberly LeClair Blank Slate, Free Range Kimberly LeClair

Sally Hepler

Sally has loved performing ever since, as a young child, she would recite the entirety of the Lion King from her swing set to no one. While she found theater (mostly musical) in high school and college, Westside is her improv home. She started on the piano and played shows for years before finally getting up the courage to do the “onstage thing”. She would like to take this opportunity to thank and blame her husband Josh for getting her into improv.



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Josh Hepler


Josh Hepler has been performing Improv ever since he stumbled upon it in High School. He is a graduate of the Second City Training Center Conservatory, and formerly performed with Frank Frank at One Group Mind in Chicago. He also teaches Youth Theater Acting and Improv classes.

He enjoys film, attempts to write a novel every November, and has completed several Pokédexes.

Josh directs BOINK!.



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Formal Bonfire, Futon Music, Free Range Kimberly LeClair Formal Bonfire, Futon Music, Free Range Kimberly LeClair

Sarah Haggett


Sarah discovered improv while trying to impress the cool kids in high school. Now in her 30’s and a pediatric occupational therapist, she has rediscovered improv at Second City and Westside, and is still trying to impress high school kids on the regular. She is grateful for the opportunity to play with her Westside family while staring down fears of failure and rejection both collectively and with total abandon.



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