Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair

Katie Nicole

After taking a break from theater and performance, Katie starting taking improv classes at Westside in Spring of 2022. She now plays on Bicycle Fish Parade, and is extremely grateful for the supportive and fun community at Westside.



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Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair

Katie Fuhs

Katie grew up watching Mad TV and SNL inspiring her make up crazy skits with her elementary school friends. She took her first improv class at Westside in 2019 and has been hooked ever since. When not performing, you can find Katie making flaxseed smoothies, going to therapy, or singing karoke in her living room. 



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Bicycle Fish Parade, Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade, Blank Slate Kimberly LeClair

Natalie Brown

Natalie was a part of her college improv team, Heywire!, and got her degree in theatre at Augustana College. Knowing she wanted to continue improv post-grad, she started classes at Westside in Spring of 2022 and has been having a blast ever since! When not doing improv, she’s doing taxes, crocheting, or petting her hairless cat.

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Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair

Stosh Walsh

Stosh assumed the lead role in his high school play after another actor left the cast.  Eventually, the play was cancelled.  He bore that pain in silent resignation for 30 years, not returning to the stage until he began taking classes at Westside in 2022.  The theater and its people have been a redeeming influence in his life ever since.  When he isn’t making things up with his friends, you can find him enjoying a hike, a cigar, or a good dram of whisk(e)y.



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Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair

Andy Douglas

Andy has always enjoyed being on stage and entertaining others. In highschool he performed in multiple plays. Andy took an Intro to Improv class in January 2021 after being encouraged and challenged by his oldest daughter.

His wife discovered Westside in July of 2021. After attending a show he quickly decided to sign up for level 1 classes and he has refused to leave ever since.



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Objectivize, Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair Objectivize, Bicycle Fish Parade Kimberly LeClair

Josh Lindsay

Josh is a big fan of improv. He was first introduced to live improv way back in the early 1990s when Second City performed in his hometown Springfield, IL. After taking a few classes in college and one at Comedy Sportz in Chicago he took a break for 20 years to start a family and build a business but he's back! He started taking classes at Westside in the summer of 2022. He's thrilled to be a part of Objectivize & Bicycle Fish Parade and loves the community at Westside.

He would like to thank his wife, Angie, and their three awesome kids, Piper, Quinn and Adelaide for their encouragement and support.



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Futon Music, Bicycle Fish Parade, Free Range Kimberly LeClair Futon Music, Bicycle Fish Parade, Free Range Kimberly LeClair

Brian Howell

Brian’s wife, Marissa, knew what she was doing when she got him a Christmas gift of Improv Comedy Classes. What started as a simple Level 1 class with Jeff Ash has turned into a full-blown obsession. (Did she plan this? Is it part of grand scheme to get the TV remote to herself?) Brian’s paid gig is as a college professor of cultural anthropology, but now his true vocation is making up characters with faux French accents and singing his feelings. He moonlights as a musical director for Westside occasionally, and loves supporting the Westside community in whatever ways he can. Vive la Westside!



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